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  • Writer's pictureBob the Organism

Hi I'm Bob.... The Organism

Updated: Mar 23, 2022

Hello, I'm Bob ... the organism.

I'm so glad you found your way to my webpage, where you might be introduced to some new music, or perhaps a podcast, or even a recipe for Carribean jerk brain wrinkles, or maybe just a cool teeshirt.

You see, this is a place where you can find music, merch and content, ie. stuff, from unique and interesting bands from the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States that you'd probably go your whole lives without experiencing if it weren't for me.

As we grow, there will be more, but our mission is simple: we are a platform to put out records and get them to the people. I personally kiss each record we ship and all of our shirts are pre-slept in for a week to ensure comfort and aroma.

I jest. The government requires me to tell you that none of our shirts have ever been slept in by me, but we can't be for sure what the legions of postmen do with our clothes while in transit.

If you're a band/musician interested in applying to our label, please submit your demo in the contact section. We are currently accepting salt and vinegar potato chips as payola, and will have our online snack exchange app - Snackmo - up and running soon.

Gurgle gurgle,

Bob (the Organism)

BTORG Records

Chief Organism

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